Download: MediaFire GoogleDrive
Update 1.2 - Fixes strange weighting for the boots for BHUNP. - Other users don't need to download Credit: Xemoses for the original mod. Straten/Zephy for the older SSE conversion.
An refreshed update of this super slooty outfit. Comes with 3 parts: cuirass, boots, and headband. Dragonscale armor stats/perk requirements. Armor is classified as light armor. ESP was completely remade because of some issues I was having. This armor supports the normal CBBE physics by Ousnius, CBBE 3BAv2 by Acro, and BHUNP by bakafactory. Please choose your options in the fomod installer.

Requirements: Bodyslide and Outfit Studio XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Edition Choose One Body: CBBE
BodySlide: Please build the outfits under the name "Satan Maid".
Obtain: Construct in smithing with Dragonscale perk and ingredients. Or use AddItemMenu2.
I would had said step on me but those look like they will kill me.
Satan's Bellhop?