Credit: Ninirim for the LE version. Credit to SunJeong for updates.
Supports CBBE, 3BAv2, and BHUNPv3.

Choose One Body: CBBE
BodySlide: Please build the outfit under the name "[NINI] Honey Bee".
Obtain: Can craft in smithing forge with beehive husk and beehive honey combs. Arcabe Smithing perks needed. Or use AddItemMenu2 or any other ESP explorer mod.
I could use help. I got the outfit but I had to manually move a bunch of files around like the meshes, textures, bodyslide stuff, etc. I did all that. But I may have missed something because I have no textures on the outfit. Have any suggestions?
what mod is used to get the anime face?
Time to show those bears who's boss! Also I've found a clipping issue in the slutty ver. which gets worse with increased weight. the offending sliders seem to be Belly: front up fat, front down fat, side up fat, side down fat, under
Ya like jazz~?
Very BEEautiful