Credit: Ninirim for the LE version. Credit to SunJeong for updated conversion.
Note: This outfit does not have SMP. I was debating too long how to implement. The skirt is attached to the main body and it's difficult to separate without making it look weird. I did not want to do different bone weightings and different XMLs for each body. I may re-visit the chance for SMP later.

Choose One Body: CBBE
BodySlide: Please build the outfit under the name "[NINI] Elwing".
Obtain: Craft in smithing bench with leather and leather strips. Or use AddItemMenu2.
I'm wondering where you got the hair from it seems to fit the outfit really well
If you're still interested in the Elwing outfit and want to rebuild it's right here in XPS format it even has the weapons.
wowww me encanta!! Gracias