Credit: Ninirim for the LE version. Credit to Rektas for his 2021 version. Credit to Xing for the SMP bones and XML. This outfit comes with optional SMP hair and upper. (Not optional for 3BA and BHUNP).

Choose One Body: CBBE
BodySlide: Please build the outfit under the name "[NINI] Destroyer".
Obtain: Craft in smithing bench with tundra cotton and corundum ingots. No perks. Or use AddItemMenu2.
Hi!Very beautiful work, thank you!!!
i am a having a problem the hair doesnt wanna work ant the little bit of cloth that hangs down is broken too
Nice outfit. Hope you had a wonderful well-deserved rest. Thanks for your hard work.
I said it once, I said it twice, I said it many times. Amazing work as always. <3