Credit: Outfit assets made available by Uh. SunJeong for porting! Special thank you to Videoman190.
This is a modular anime style outfit categorizes as light armor. An casual dress for casual screenshots. Comes with two panty types and HDT-SMP on the skirt and tail (optional). Supports CBBE, 3BAv2, and BHUNPv3.

Choose One Body: CBBE
BodySlide: Please build the outfit under the name "Futatsuiwa Mamizou".
Obtain: Craft in leather tanning with leathers and leather strips for each outfit part. No perks required. Or use AddItemMenu2.
TOUHOU MENTIONED!!!!1111!!11!!!1111!!! WHAT THE **** IS ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME ITSELF!!!!1111!!11!!!!1!!!
Sun will you post any videos on Starfield? Game review, thoughts, modding potential etc. ? Have you tried the ChatGPT based mods for Skyrim? Why is your Youtube channel neglected? Low traffic, low pay-off for the time you invested on it, or simply you don't have the needed time ( work, personal life) to upload more content there?
The physic Collision on skirt and tail is amazing 😀
Futa... 💀
OOF. Fixing now. Give me 5 min.