Credit: guhzcoituz for the original armor. Quinn for buying armor and commissioning. Armor comes with Extended Use License for commercial and non-commercial distribution.
Modular outfit balanced for gameplay. Female only support! Rinoa's outfit from Final Fantasy! Balanced to the leather armor and all parts are modular. Comes with HDT-SMP cardigan and wings (video below in action). Supports CBBE, 3BAv2, and BHUNPv3 (3.17).

Custom HDT-SMP Physics
Choose One Body: CBBE
BodySlide: Please build the outfit under the name "[Christine] Rinoa Heartilly".
Obtain: Build in smithing bench with leathers and leather strips. Necklace needs an silver ingot and feathers needs hagraven feathers.
any chance we get rydia outfit from FFIV?
you realize one dream of mine ;-; i always want rinoa and rydia outfits to use on skyrim ty so much find it by accident a tear even drop ty
I wish the wings was weighted to the animated wings skeleton so it could use proper motions animations for them
We have animated wings and we have smp wings bet we are yet to have both
Having the wings animated and also have smp to help flex the wings more naturally and have the feathers flutter would be the best wings to date
Wonder how easy it would be to rig these wings to the animated wing rig
My favorite final fantasy female character from my most favorite FF game's clothes in skyrim!!! thank you very much. I just need Squall Leonheart next lol.