Credit: ShanasSoulmate for the armor. Purchased with licensing. A light armor that mimics the Aztec style. Quetzali means "long feathered" in Aztec language. Modular pieces with armor stats similar to glass armor. Comes with custom shield and "mace". Crafting recipes included. This armor supports the normal CBBE physics by Ousnius, CBBE 3BAv2 by Acro, and BHUNP by bakafactory. Please choose your options in the fomod installer.

Choose One Body: CBBE
BodySlide: Please build the outfits under the name "[Christine] Quetzali".
Obtain: Craft using gold, malachite, and leathers. Requires Glass smithing perk.
What nail mods are u using? I like the pink blue style :)
very Aztecan looking. love it!!
whats the skin that makes it look like that
Oh wow, wasn't expecting something along these lines. Very creative. Sexy armor from cultures around the world! Thanks Sun.
Mexican here, first of all thank you for bringing a cool Aztec inspired design to Skyrim, glad too see some of my culture represented, and in that regard and, not wanting to sound rude of course but as a little easter egg and wanting to share my culture. Quetzali is a typo and maybe that leads to a bad translation which I understand, "Quetzalli" the word is from Nahuatl origin and means "which is adorned by the plumes of the Quetzal", Quetzal itself is a bird which can have two meanings, In Nahuatl being "bright colored feathered tail" or in Mayan "bright feather and or/ beautiful) Pre hispanic languages had a thing that the word gets all the meanings encompassed a…