Hi, i’m a huuuge fan of your work, I’ve been thince i tried tsuntsun armor. But one day the mod just desepered from xbox ! Since i’m lost in hell.. Could you fix that plssss ? And i can see you have other armor wich are not on xbox, you would be a real god if you could relay those 🙏
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Hey! Thanks for being a fan of Sun's mods. Just to clarify, Sun has never created mods for Xbox. SunJeong's mods are only available for PC. The removal of the TsunTsun armor from Xbox and any other issues related to it are beyond SunJeong's control.
Sun has allowed some individuals in the past to port her mods to Xbox under certain conditions. These conditions include not profiting from it, not doing it as a commission request, giving her proper credits, and obtaining the license from renderosity etc. Probably one of these people removed the mod